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Three African cichlid fish species introduced into the Southwestern United
States during the 1960-1980 period continue to flourish and to provide excellent
biological control of chironomid midges, mosquitoes and aquatic weeds while
also constituting a significant game fishery. The fish, Tilapia zillii
(Gervais), Oreochromis mossambica (Peters, and Oreochromis
hornorum Trewazas, were introduced originally to improve the game fishery
and subsequently as biological controls of Aquatic Weeds,
Mosquitoes and Chironomid midges (Garcia & Legner 1999, Hallock &
Ziebell 1970, Hauser et al. 1976, 1977, Legner & Medved 1973l; Legner et
al. 1973, 1975, St. Amant 1966).
In parts of Arizona and southern California, they thrive without management
in irrigation channels and drains, in golf course lakes, sewage treatment
lagoons, flood control channels, the Salton Sea of southeastern California
and the lower Colorado River drainages of Arizona and California.
A dynamic process of hybridization among the three species appears to occur
in some areas, especially the Salton Sea. Although Tilapia zillii,
a non mouth-brooder, is particularly effective in suppressing noxious aquatic
weeds in the irrigation system, it is competitively disadvantaged in the
presence of mouth-brooding Oreochromis whose fry are thus protected
from predation. This behavior has made their rearing and dissemination too
tedious for most irrigation districts that continue to rely on mechanical means
of weed control (Legner 1979,m Legner & Fisher 1980, Legner & Murray
1981, Legner 1979). Therefore, these tropical fish is largely confined to
those water delivery channels and drains in which they can overwinter. Many
of the waterways in the lower Colorado Desert have thermal springs that
sustain feral populations. However, these fish are for the most part unable
to persist in the colder waters of the main irrigation canals, such as the
All American and Coachella canals. Along the coastal areas of southwestern
California they survive the winter primarily around warm water effluent given
off by several electric power plants.
Left = Nesting sites of Oreochromis
along the Colorado River; Right = Golf course lagoon cleaned by Oreochromis
Within the Salton Sea and Colorado River backwaters downstream from Parker, Arizona,
these chchlids are now acknowledged as one of the principal game fishes.
There are 1.5 lb, 10-inch long fish commonly being caught by anglers the year
round. A significant role of these herbivore/insectivores as a food source
for increasing the densities of larger predatory game fish is evident from
stomach analyses. A very large population of Oreochromis hybrids is
now firmly adapted to the flood control channels in the Los Angeles Basin,
extending inland along the Santa Ana River to Riverside. Population densities
frequently exceed 20 adult fish per square yard by mid summer, and they
regularly constitute over one-third of the catch by anglers. Migratory
populations of these fish colonize other channels of the flood control system
by gaining access from the littoral zone of the Pacific Ocean. Their
biological control impact against chironomid midges of the genus Chironomus
is especially pronounced, and sufficient to eliminate the need for
insecticide applications (Legner & Pelsue 1980, Legner et al. 1980,
Garcia & Legner 2000). They may serve as a significant food source for
immature Pacific Ocean game species such as bass, red snapper and corvina. References: Garcia, R. & E. F. Legner. 1999. Biological control of medical and veterinary pests. In:
T. W. Fisher & T. S. Bellows, Jr. (eds.), Chapter 15, p. 935-953, Handbook
of Biological Control: Principles and Applications. Academic Press, San
Diego, CA Hallock, R. J. & C. D. Ziebell. 1970,. Feasibility of a sport-fishery in tertiary treated
wastewater. J. Water Pollution Control Fed. 42(9): 1656-1665. Hauser, W. J., E. F. Legner, R. A. Medved 7
S. Platt. 1976. Tilapia--
a management tool for biological control of aquatic weeds and insects.
Fisheries (a Bulletin of American Fisheries Soc.) 1(2): 15-16. Hauser, W. J., E. F. Legner & F. E.
Robinson. 1977. Biological
control of aquatic weeds by fish in irrigation channels. Proc. Water
Management for Irrigation & Drainage. ASCE/Reno, Nevada/ Jul 20-22: 139-145. Legner,
E. F. Considerations in the management of Tilapia for biological
aquatic weed control. Proc. Calif. Mosq. & Vector Control Assoc. 47:
44-45. Legner,
E. F. & T. W. Fisher. 1980. Impact of Tilapia zillii
(Gervais) on Potamogeton pectinatus L., Myriophyllum spicatum
var. exalbescens Jepson, and mosquito reproduction in lower Colorado
Desert irrigation canals. Acta Oecologica, Oecol. Applic 1(1): 3-14. Legner,
E. F. & R. A. Medved. 1973a. Influence of Tilapia mossambica
(Peters), T. zillii (Gervais (Cichlidae) and Mollienesia latipinna
Le Sueur (Poecillidae) on pond populations of Culex mosquitoes and
chironomid midges. Mosquito News 41(2): 241-50. Legner,
E. F. & R. A. Medved. 1973b. Predation of mosquitoes and chironomid
midges in ponds by Tilapia zillii (Gervais), and T.
mossambica (Peters) (Teleosteii: Cichlidae). Proc. Calif. Mosq. Control
Assoc. 41: 119-121. Legner,
E. F. & C. A Murray. 1981. Feeding rates and growth of the fish Tilapia
zillii (Cichlidae) on Hydrilla verticillata, Potamogeton
pectinatus and Myriophyllum spicatum var. exalbescens
and interactions in irrigation canals of southeastern California. J. Amer.
Moswq. Control Assoc. (Mosquito News) 41(2): 241-250. Legner,
E. F. & F. W. Pelsue, Jr. 1980. Bioconversion: Tilapia fish turn
insects and weeds into edible protein. Calif. Agric. 34(11 & 12): 13-14. Legner,
E. F., T. W. Fisher & R. A. Medved. 1973. Biological control of aquatic
weeds in the lower Colorado River basin. Proc. Calif. Mosq. Control Assoc.
41: 115-117. Legner, E. F., W. J. hauser, T. W. Fisher
& R. A. Medved. 1975. Biological
aquatic weed control by fish in the lower Sonoran Desert of California.
Calif. Agric. 29(11): 8-10. Legner,
E. F., R. A. Medved & F. Pelsue, Jr. 1980. Changes in chironomid breeding
patterns in a paved river channel following adaptation of cichlids of the Tilapia
mossambica-hornorum complex. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 73(3):
293-299. Legner,
E. F., R. A. Medved & F. Pelsue, Jr. 1980. Changes in chironomid breeding
patterns in a paved river channel following adaptation of cichlids of the Tilapia
mossambica-hornorum complex. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 73(3):
293-299. St.
Amant, J. A. 1966. Progress report of the culture of Tilapia
mossambica (Peters) hybrids in southern California. The Resources Agency,
California Dept. of Fish & Game, Inland Fisheries Admin. Rept. No.
66-9. 25 p. |